4 Ways Hosting Affects Your Sites SEO Rankings

In today’s Internet-driven economy, a company’s online presence is crucial. Everyone, regardless of field or company size. Strives to have their website appear on the top page of Google search results. Websites that appear on the second pages of search engines are understandably less likely to gain visitors. That’s why many companies invest a lot … Read more

Best Web Hosting Solution for Your Clients

Suppose you are an IT service provider or digital agency owner. Selecting the right type of web hosting solution for your clients should be a top priority. The nature of a client’s business and its goals depends on various factors. Choosing the best web hosting solutions for your clients is one of them. Before purchasing, various … Read more

Milesweb VPS Hosting Review

Are you currently using a shared hosting plan? If so, it can handle the basic requirements of your website. But if you start getting traffic on your website and blog. You need to upgrade to better hosting options like VPS or dedicated. And you can choose to MilesWeb VPS Hosting. But the point is, dedicated … Read more

MilesWeb Review: Pros and Cons

The foundation of every WordPress site is hosting. So, you need to make sure that you are taking the right decision from the start itself. Do you have a WordPress site and want to find reliable and super-fast web hosting services? So, we’ve made your job easy, and come up with a MilesWeb WordPress hosting … Read more

Cloud VPS vs Shared Hosting – Comparison

Cloud VPS and shared hosting are two different types of hosting. Each with its advantages and disadvantages. As a business owner, you need to understand the differences between Cloud VPS vs Shared Hosting. So that you can choose the right type of web hosting for your website. What is Cloud VPS? Cloud VPS are virtual … Read more